
Loft in Berlin-Wedding

152 m² light loft in Lobe Block + 75 m² terrace

13357 Berlin, Wedding
auf der Karte ansehen
Umzugskosten berechnen
4.356,20 €
189 m²
10 Aufrufe

Objekt-ID: 36757863

Objekttyp: Loft
Zimmer: 1
Größe: 189.00 m²
Etage: 2 von 4
Frei ab: 1.4.2025
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Preise & Kosten

Kaltmiete: 4.356,20 €
Nebenkosten: 662,90 €
Gesamtmiete: 5.019,10 €
Preis/m²: 23,05 €
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Kaution: k.A.


Tiere erlaubt
Baujahr: 2018
Befeuerungsart: Erdwärme
Energieausweis: Energieausweis in Vorbereitung


152 m² light loft in Lobe Block + vast wild outside spaces – architecturally awarded brutalist building
On offer is a studio on the 2nd floor with 152 m² of interior space from the street to the garden and 75 m² of south-facing terrace.
The Lobe Block is a multi-award-winning monumental terrace building near the Gesundbrunnen underground and railway station. With its overhanging, fully glazed front facing Böttgerstrasse, the building appears smooth and closed. But the hidden rear of the building harbours a surprise: generous, wide terraces open up in steps to the south-facing courtyard and garden.
The work/life building sees itself as a place for creative processes, cultural production and reflection as well as social interaction. The ground floor houses a canteen and a large, airy event room. An active yoga studio adds to the buzz of the building. The use of a vast roof terrace with stunning views and the lush permaculture garden with chickens are included in the rent.
Access to the individual lofts is on the street side via industrial sized lifts that lead directly into the studios or on the garden side via two external staircases. The seven meter deep terraces create a connection between the interior spaces and the green and sky outside.
All studios consist of an undivided area with kitchenette and bathroom with WC and shower, but divisions internally are allowed to be created by the tenant. Heating is provided by geothermal energy via underfloor heating. Lobe Block is a warm international community of creative people, who welcome the public in the canteen in the daytime. The building is breathtaking, an oasis in the city.
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13357 Berlin

Berlin Wedding

Der aktuelle durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis beträgt 18,02 €/m² in Berlin - Wedding. Der durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis in Berlin liegt derzeit bei 19,11 €/m².

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