
Apartment in Berlin

Moru - 1 bedroom in Mitte

Köpenicker Straße
10997 Berlin
auf der Karte ansehen
Umzugskosten berechnen
1.355 €
50 m²
273 Aufrufe

Objekt-ID: 35470550

Objekttyp: Apartment
Zimmer: 1
Größe: 50.00 m²
Etage: 3
Frei ab: keine Angabe
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Preise & Kosten

Kaltmiete: 1.355 €
Nebenkosten: 423 €
Gesamtmiete: 1.778 €
Preis/m²: 27,10 €
Mit Mietspiegel Berlin vergleichen
Kaution: 2000 


Tiere erlaubt
Wohnen auf Zeit
Baujahr: 2014
Objektzustand: renoviert
Befeuerungsart: Strom
Energieausweis: Energieausweis in Vorbereitung


Step into a lush oasis in this one bedroom, one bathroom bliss. Moru sits in one of Berlin’s most sought-after neighborhoods of Mitte. Guests are invited to explore the eclectic arts scene or indulge in the many international cuisine options. Themes of Congolese jungle are found all throughout this 50 square meter home.

A light and airy entrance only adds to Moru’s inviting feel. The foyer branches into three with the right-hand door leading to the detached bathroom. This spacious, corridor-style bathroom offers ample storage space and a walk-in shower.

Across the hall is an open-concept living, dining, and kitchen area. To the left of the space, the kitchen boasts modernity and function with up-to-date appliances and all the necessary cooking utensils. Under lantern lighting, a Congolese-inspired four-person dining set is nearest the entrance. Drawing closer to the oversized windows is the lounge area complete with hand-selected furnishings and aesthetics. The room concludes with a dedicated workstation in the far left corner.

Back towards the entrance, the door at the end of the hallway leads to Moru’s bedroom. Jute accessories are sprinkled across the room and incorporated into the headboard framing the queen-sized bed.

**Our bookings are from 1 to 11 months, with the option to extend.*

**Our apartments can be sold through our website, there is no selection process.*

**We welcome pets, fees are subject to apply. Guests will be informed of any additional charges.


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Köpenicker Straße
10997 Berlin


Der aktuelle durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis beträgt 19,11 €/m² in Berlin.

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