
Einfamilienhaus zum kaufen in Landstuhl

Close to nature and yet central - stylish living in the countryside (SUN 143)

66849 Landstuhl
auf der Karte ansehen
Umzugskosten berechnen
525.000 €
143 m²
3 Aufrufe

Objekt-ID: 36983784

Objekttyp: Einfamilienhaus
Zimmer: 5
Größe: 143.00 m²
Grundstücksfläche: 430,00 m²
Verfügbar ab: keine Angabe
Kann ich mir dieses Haus leisten?

Preise & Kosten

Kaufpreis: 525.000 €
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Provision: Ja
Preis/m²: 3.671,33 €
Mit Immobilienpreisen Landstuhl vergleichen


Baujahr: 2025
Energieausweis: Bedarfsausweis
Endenergiebedarf: 18,00 kWh/(m²*a)
Energieeffizienzklasse: A+


Building a house is much more than just putting bricks on top of each other. It is the realisation of a dream, the construction of a place of refuge where love can breathe and memories can grow.

Just imagine: A house flooded with sunlight, waking up to the smell of fresh coffee in the morning and coming to rest in the warm glow of lamps in the evening. A place where walls are not just walls, but tell stories - of children's laughter, of quiet conversations by candlelight, of hands that touch as you pass by.

Your home is the setting for your favourite moments. The kitchen where you cook, laugh and savour life together. The living room where you can hear the rain drumming against the window panes, snuggled up close together. The terrace where you whisper your dreams under an endless starry sky on summer nights.

It's not just a building - it's a heart made of wood and stone that beats to the same beat as yours. A place where you arrive and know: I can be here. I am at home.
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66849 Landstuhl


Der aktuelle durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis beträgt 3.260,83 €/m² in Landstuhl.

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