
Einfamilienhaus zum kaufen in Eschborn

Large house, great property, lots of design freedom - no commission!

65760 Eschborn
auf der Karte ansehen
Umzugskosten berechnen
990.000 €
166 m²
2 Aufrufe

Objekt-ID: 36931769

Objekttyp: Einfamilienhaus
Zimmer: 7
Größe: 166.00 m²
Grundstücksfläche: 772,00 m²
Verfügbar ab: sofort
Kann ich mir dieses Haus leisten?

Preise & Kosten

Kaufpreis: 990.000 €
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Provision: Nein
Preis/m²: 5.963,86 €
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Baujahr: 1960
Befeuerungsart: Zentralheizung
Energieausweis: Verbrauchsausweis
Endenergiebedarf: 216,30 kWh/(m²*a)
Energieeffizienzklasse: G


If you think bigger, you've come to the right place: On 166 m² over three floors including a roof studio, you'll find the basis for a real dream home.

The 772 m² property also offers enough space for an attractive extension or possibly even another house!

The house is solidly built and offers wonderful design options that make it a modern home for you and your family with open, representative rooms.

To the right of the house there is currently a spacious, fully covered and wind-protected terrace, which could alternatively be converted into a bright winter garden. From an equally large terrace patio you have a complete view of the large property.

This house is perfect for couples and families who want a large house with a lush garden and garage in a top spot in the Rhine-Main area, which they can design and expand according to their ideas.

The size of the house and property offers space for extensions and conversions, which can be used to optimize returns or to live with several generations on one property. Last but not least: the lush green garden is a dream for children and dogs!

Location, location, location
The spacious, beautifully overgrown property is centrally located in Eschborn. Here you will find the perfect mix of "in the middle of the Rhine-Main area" and enough of your own garden and nature in the immediate vicinity to perfectly balance work and private life.

Who is this property perfect for?

This house is perfect...

• For couples and families who want a large house with a lush garden and garage in a top spot in the Rhine-Main area that they can design and expand according to their ideas.

• For couples or families who want to build another house on the same property in order to live a multi-generational model in the future.

• For couples or families who want to build another house on the same plot or rent out the roof structure in order to live in a way that optimizes returns.

• In general: The garden is also a dream for children and dogs!

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65760 Eschborn


Der aktuelle durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis beträgt 4.859,08 €/m² in Eschborn.

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