
Immobilie in Karlsfeld

20 years guaranteed rental payments (Indexed) | No management effort - High tax benefits

85757 Karlsfeld
auf der Karte ansehen
Umzugskosten berechnen
190.000 €
50 m²
1 Aufrufe

Objekt-ID: 36831713

Objekttyp: Keine Angabe
Zimmer: 1.5
Größe: 50.00 m²
Etage: 4
Verfügbar ab: keine Angabe
Kann ich mir diese Wohnung leisten?

Preise & Kosten

Kaufpreis: 190.000 €
Jetzt kostenlos Finanzierungsangebot anfragen!
Provision: Nein
Preis/m²: 3.800,00 €
Mit Immobilienpreisen Karlsfeld vergleichen


Baujahr: 2026


We are Germany's leading consultant and broker in the field of care properties as an investment and thus offer private investors the safest and most passive form of investment.

Your advantages at a glance:

→ Rent is guaranteed by the government under SGB XI
→ Rental agreements are indexed
→ You still receive rent payments even in case of vacancy
→ High tax benefits (up to 10% depreciation per year)
→ Your investment is independent of financial markets and stock exchanges
→ With long-term rental contracts of up to 30 years, your income is secure
→ Your initial rental yield is around 4-5% p.a. (with monthly rental payments)
→ Rent payments protect you from inflation (indexed rental agreements)
→ Investment secured through your own land register – no fund participation
→ Your capital remains intact (plus asset growth)
→ No additional costs for you, as the operator is responsible for electricity, gas, etc.
→ Maintenance measures are mainly carried out by the operator
→ The care market is booming. There are not enough places, and care properties are independent of economic cycles
→ You can fully finance your care property
→ You can pass on, gift, or sell your care property at any time
→ With a care property, you get both security and yield in one product
→ Benefit from low purchase prices between €170,000 and €250,000
→ Buy your care property commission-free
→ You have a right of first refusal in case of care needs

Classic investment products are outdated!
Inflation rates of up to 10%:
Anyone who invests their money in insurance products or leaves it in a bank account today is losing real money. This is compounded by overarching phenomena such as COVID, the economic crisis, the Euro crisis, or the banking crisis. Real estate, however, has always withstood financial market crises and even increased in value over time. It is therefore considered a solid, inflation-protected investment. Care properties offer another significant advantage: they are both secure and highly profitable. In times when many risks lurk in the financial market, you need a partner who brings expertise, knows the market, and advises you independently on the right product for your retirement planning.

If you are looking for a worry-free investment with profitable returns and maximum security, we at Rendite Residenz have the perfect solution for you.

Let us talk about your investment. We look forward to meeting you soon.
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85757 Karlsfeld


Der aktuelle durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis beträgt 7.269,50 €/m² in Karlsfeld.

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