Immobilie in Liederbach am Taunus
Top investment, quiet location, 1.5-room apartment, balcony, outdoor parking lot, Liederbach/Taunus
auf der Karte ansehenUmzugskosten berechnen
- Kaufpreis
- 139.000 €
- Zimmer
- 1
- Fläche
- 39.38 m²
30 Aufrufe
Objekt-ID: 36365387
Objekttyp: | Keine Angabe |
Zimmer: | 1 |
Größe: | 39.38 m² |
Etage: | 8 |
Verfügbar ab: | sofort |
Preise & Kosten
Kaufpreis: | 139.000 € |
Jetzt kostenlos Finanzierungsangebot anfragen! |
Provision: | Ja |
Preis/m²: | 3.529,71 € |
Mit Immobilienpreisen Liederbach am Taunus vergleichen |
Baujahr: | 1972 |
Befeuerungsart: | Zentralheizung |
Energieausweis: | Verbrauchsausweis |
Endenergiebedarf: | 132,73 kWh/(m²*a) |
Top investment at a fair price, very good central location, walking distance to public transport and yet in the countryside. Capital investment or, if necessary, own use-it is up to you.
This offer is a 1.5-room apartment with bathroom on the ground floor of an apartment building in the Niederhofheim district of Liederbach. The house was built in 1972. The apartment size is approx. 39 m².
You enter the apartment via a small hallway.
To the left of it is the bathroom. It includes a tub with shower, toilet and sink. To the right opens the large living room/bedroom.
To the left there is a small open kitchen with kitchenette. A small balcony is also available.
On the parking deck, an assigned parking space belongs to the apartment and is included in the purchase price.
Condition of the apartment:
The following renovations have been carried out:
2015 parquet
2015 kitchen
Condition of the entire property:
2016 heating system
2023 pipe renovation in the wet area
The apartment has been rented since December 2023 and generates a rent of € 500 (plus NK), which corresponds to an actual yield of 4.32%.
(According to our view, a target yield could be around 5.61% in line with the market)
The house fee is € 313.51 (= housing allowance € 242.00 + reserve € 71.51)
Have we aroused your interest? Then we will be happy to introduce you to the property.
We will be happy to provide you with a detailed exposé (PDF) on your basis for decision-making with all the necessary documents on request.
Please provide us with your complete contact details via the Internet portal or by e-mail.
Your team from CENTURY21 FHE Taunus First
All information comes from the documents and declarations of the seller.
The buyer's commission is 3.57% incl. 19% VAT. We have concluded a brokerage contract with the seller for the same amount.
This offer is a 1.5-room apartment with bathroom on the ground floor of an apartment building in the Niederhofheim district of Liederbach. The house was built in 1972. The apartment size is approx. 39 m².
You enter the apartment via a small hallway.
To the left of it is the bathroom. It includes a tub with shower, toilet and sink. To the right opens the large living room/bedroom.
To the left there is a small open kitchen with kitchenette. A small balcony is also available.
On the parking deck, an assigned parking space belongs to the apartment and is included in the purchase price.
Condition of the apartment:
The following renovations have been carried out:
2015 parquet
2015 kitchen
Condition of the entire property:
2016 heating system
2023 pipe renovation in the wet area
The apartment has been rented since December 2023 and generates a rent of € 500 (plus NK), which corresponds to an actual yield of 4.32%.
(According to our view, a target yield could be around 5.61% in line with the market)
The house fee is € 313.51 (= housing allowance € 242.00 + reserve € 71.51)
Have we aroused your interest? Then we will be happy to introduce you to the property.
We will be happy to provide you with a detailed exposé (PDF) on your basis for decision-making with all the necessary documents on request.
Please provide us with your complete contact details via the Internet portal or by e-mail.
Your team from CENTURY21 FHE Taunus First
All information comes from the documents and declarations of the seller.
The buyer's commission is 3.57% incl. 19% VAT. We have concluded a brokerage contract with the seller for the same amount.
65835 Liederbach am TaunusLiederbach am Taunus
Der aktuelle durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis beträgt 4.646,74 €/m² in Liederbach am Taunus.
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